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qSD K-7 Students: Submit a Design for Pink Shirt Day!

Pink Shirt Day Contest

The Brooks GSA and SOGI Committee invite all qathet District students K-7 to participate in a Pink Shirt Day design contest! The following poster has been shared in schools, but you can find everything you need below to help your student(s) participate from home:


Contest Details:

Download the now.

Completed student designs need to meet the criteria within Contest Placemat.

All submissions are due by 3pm on December 9th

- Contest Placemats can be submitted at your school’s office.

- Electronic submissions that meet criteria are also welcome – email them to brooks.gsa@sd47.bc.ca with completed participant information included.

The winning design and information on how to order your shirt will be announced on December 16th, 2024. The contest winner will receive a prize pack that includes a shirt with their design! 

Shirts with the winning design will be printed by Savary Island Ink and will be for sale at cost in time for Pink Shirt Day on February 26th, 2025. 

What is Pink Shirt Day?

Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of bullying. The day originated in Canada in 2007, when a male student was threatened and harassed for wearing a pink shirt on the first day of school. In response, two high school students took a stand against homophobic bullying by buying and distributing 50 pink shirts at their school.

In Canada, is recognized annually on the last Wednesday of February. Similarly, the is a day against homophobic, transphobic, and all forms of bullying, recognized annually on the second Wednesday of April. Both days remind us that all colours are for everyone. We can make the day meaningful by exploring the origin of the day, how gender stereotypes affect us all, and the importance of speaking up when we hear name-calling or discrimination. Start by checking out the .

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