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Career Education for Green Economy (CLE 10 & CLC 12)

Many sectors around the world are shifting towards the Green Economy - a low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive approach. This course is a remarkable way for students to complete their Career Education in a fun, engaging and provincial context to prepare them for the future.


Similar to the standard Career Life courses, this offering uses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for student learning. The course will be offered in a mixed delivery context; students will be expected to complete modules independently as well as with small groups and times when the whole cohort comes together. These interactive online workshops will have a focus on student voice and participation and feature young professionals in sustainability related career paths.

The course may also include two multi-day learning retreats, one at the semester beginning and one at the semester end. The course is open to students from across BC which will ensure a diverse and exciting learning environment and networking opportunities.

to register.

Contact: outdoors@sd47.bc.ca for more information or if you have any questions.

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