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How Parents Can Help

Work Habits

To get off the ground, students need the school supplies requested at each grade level. As the year progresses, supplies often need to be replaced and additional supplies may be requested.

Students are expected to show pride in their assignments and to work neatly in their notebooks. Each teacher will establish guidelines for notebook work.

Homework Habits

At Edgehill Elementary School we believe that the home is a large part of the total learning experience for children at all age levels. Parents can begin  by reading with younger children every night and, as the student gains reading skills, by listening to them read. School is an active and interesting place and it is always interesting to chat with your child about daily school experiences.

If your child encounters homework difficulties please contact the teacher via a note or a comment in the planner. Individual teachers will determine the classroom homework assignment policy that is most effective for their class.

If your child has worked on homework for half an hour and has not completed the assignment, please initial the planner and communicate with the teacher indicating why the assigned homework was not completed.

We Use Homework in Elementary School:

  • To develop good study habits.
  • To provide for individual student's learning differences.
  • To have time for further research.
  • To promote good communication between school and home.

How Parents Can Help

  • Provide the necessary supplies (dictionary, pens, pencils etc.).
  • Provide a regular study area.
  • Establish a consistent "homework time" (e.g. right after dinner).
  • Assist your child in:
  • practicing math drills, games,
  • reviewing material for tests,
  • listening to reading and reading to your child,
  • discussing topics of interest.
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