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Westview Elementary, which opened in 2010, currently accommodates 360 students in 15 divisions. Westview is the largest elementary school and engages a diverse student population from all over the Westview area as well as from the City of Powell River and qathet region. Westview regularly welcomes the district and community to share in our building through the Multipurpose (Community) Room and large gymnasium. 

Westview Elementary has a very dedicated staff who work hard to meet student learning needs. Academics are of utmost importance, and Westview is also known for a commitment to music and athletic programs. There is great support of the school by community members, many of whom were Grief Point/Westview students as well.

Westview Elementary has a very active PAC who organize numerous fundraisers and volunteer throughout the school to support teachers, field trips, school wide events, and the purchasing of sports equipment for our students.  

Even though the school is just over ten years old, there continues to be excitement within the school and our wider school community about the “new” school and its ability to provide excellent, innovative, and creative learning opportunities for all students. 

Read the full School Growth Plan:

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